
The creation story is a call and response; a God eager to create, and a World eager to be created. This eagerness drives the world to unfold into becoming itself, and has never yet ended. God commands yehi, “Be!” – and light, land, stars, fruit-trees and animals can’t resist the invitation. “…every living soul burst out of the water.” This “bursting out” is detailed today by cosmologists and evolutionary biologists. What the creation story adds is the excitement, and a perspective on ourselves as part of that unfolding, that exciting response to God’s call. There is an acute environmental crisis we are now aware of. The Torah reminds us what’s at stake, and why the divine world is worth fighting for.




[Inspired by : Genesis 1, and Rashi on 1:12, 1:24; Zohar Bereshit; Introduction to Sein und Zeit; Arthur Green, Radical Judaism;  William Blake’s Newton.]




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