Ki Tavo

“These miracles, which your eyes have seen.” Not just wrong to think of a split between faith and science, but  dangerous! Physics is the description of the world, and demands no responsibility. But to refer to it as “created” gives the world purpose, makes its existence meaningful, demands a response. On a personal level, that response might be simply a reflection on the world’s surprising intricacies (learn physics to be more surprised!); religiously, this is expressed in prayer. On a global level, the religious response to living in this world has to be to guard its existence and help it flourish. Religions and prayers without this global ‘response-ability’ are as pathetic as irresponsible science, describing the world without saying anything.










[Inspired by : Deuteronomy 29; Abraham Joshua Heschel;  Greta Thunberg; Paul Gauguin.]










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